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waste rebar straightening machine

Chiqindilarni qayta ishlash uchun armatura to'g'rilash mashinasi

Waste rebar straightening machine is a specialized device designed to straighten bent or deformed steel...
armatura bükme mashinasi

Uzengi uchun avtomatik armatura bükme mashinasi

Rebar bending machine is widely used in construction to bend reinforcement bars (rebars) to desired shapes...
Armatura to'g'rilash va kesish mashinasi

Avtomatik armatura to'g'rilash kesish mashinasi

Rebar straightening and cutting machine is specialized equipment used in the construction industry to...
wire straightening and cutting machine

po'lat simli simni to'g'rilash va kesish mashinasi

Wire straightening and cutting machine is a specialized piece of industrial equipment used to straighten...
Wire pointing machine

Tel chizish uchun arzon simli ishora mashinasi

Wire pointing machine is an essential piece of equipment used in the wire drawing process. Wire drawing...
to'g'ri chiziqli sim chizish mashinasi

Yuqori tezlikda to'g'ri chiziqli sim chizish mashinasi

Straight line wire drawing machine is an industrial machine used in the metalworking industry for drawing...
steel wire butt welder machine

Eng yaxshi flesh po'lat simli payvandchi mashinasi sotuvi

Steel wire butt welder machine is a specialized device used to join two pieces of steel wire by heating...
Chelik tirnoqlarni parlatish mashinasi

Avtomatik po'latdan tirnoqlarni tozalash mashinasi narxi

Chelik tirnoqlarni parlatish mashinasi po'lat tirnoqlarni silliqlash va silliqlash uchun ishlatiladigan maxsus jihozdir.
nail knife sharpening grinder machine

Chelik tirnoqli pichoqni o'tkirlash uchun maydalagich

Steel nail knife sharpening grinder machine is a specialized tool designed for sharpening knives and...
Chelik sim chizish mashinasi

Buqa blokli po'lat simli chizish mashinasi ishlab chiqaruvchisi

Steel wire drawing machine is used in the manufacturing sector to produce thin steel wires from thicker...
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