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3 dyuymli tirnoq yasash mashinasi

Ishlatilgan ikkinchi qo'lda tirnoq yasash mashinasi narxi

Second hand nail making machine is an industrial device used to manufacture steel nails from wire. These...
temir tirnoq yasash mashinasi

Avtomatik umumiy temir tirnoq yasash mashinasi

Automatic common iron nail making machine is an industrial device used to manufacture steel nails from...
beton tirnoq yasash mashinasi

Xitoy beton tirnoq ishlab chiqarish mashinasi tirnoq ishlab chiqarish liniyasi

Concrete nail making machine is an industrial device used to manufacture steel nails from wire. These...
Quick link bale ties wire machine

Paxta uchun yuqori tezlikda tez bog'langan balya bog'lovchi simli mashina

Quick link bale ties wire machine is a specialized piece of equipment designed to produce baling wire...
single loop bale ties machine

Karton uchun avtomatik bitta halqali balya bog'lash mashinasi

Single loop bale ties machine is used for making single loop bale ties, which is widely used to bale...
waste paper baler machine

Gidravlik chiqindi qog'ozni o'rash mashinasi

Waste paper baler is used for baling cartons, cotton yarn, plastic, waste plastic bottle, etc. It is...
Avtomatik yuqori tezlikda po'latdan mix yasash mashinasi

Avtomatik yuqori tezlikda po'latdan mix yasash mashinasi

Automatic high speed steel nail making machine is for making nails with large batch, high precision and...
baling wire ties making machine

Avtomatik paxta yig'ish sim bog'lash mashinasi

Baling wire ties making machine is a specialized piece of equipment designed to produce baling wire ties,...
bar tie wire making machine

Avtomatik po'lat novda galstuk sim ishlab chiqarish mashinasi

Bar tie wire making machine is a specialized device used in construction and manufacturing to produce...
Avtomatik er-xotin halqali sim ishlab chiqarish mashinasi

Avtomatik er-xotin halqali sim ishlab chiqarish mashinasi

Automatic double loop tie wire making machine is widely used for construction field. The loop tie wire...
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